205. Ano toki, soko ni kimi ga ita. Nisenjurokunen shigatsu Kumamoto jishin no genba kara [You were there. From the site of the April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake]

Thumbnail of Ano toki, soko ni kimi ga ita. Nisenjurokunen shigatsu Kumamoto jishin no genba kara [You were there. From the site of the April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake]
Written and illustrated by Yajima Masumi
POPLAR Publishing
NDL call number
After the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, victims gathered in an evacuation shelter are uncertain and afraid, but find hope in the cheerful and positive attitude of junior high school students who visit the shelter as volunteers. The creator is an illustrator and worked on not only the art for this work, but also the text based on experiences at the shelter.