
Key Map

I. Key assignments on the main page (Contents)

1) How to move the focus using the Tab key

The focus (highlight) shifts every time you press the Tab key, and from the top of the page to the bottom in the following order. Pressing the Enter or Return key while the focus is on a particular button or link means execution. The focus moves in the reverse order to the following when you press the Shift key and the Tab key at the same time.

[Top Menu]

Top Menu of the main page Image
“Breadcrumbs List”
-By selecting "Picture Book Gallery" you can shift to the main page of the “Picture Book Gallery,” thus returning from “The Picture Book as Stage” to the upper hierarchy.
-Moves to the corresponding page of the Japanese version.

[Each item of the contents]

Contents Image
“Chapter list”
-Links to the beginning of each picture book or the commentaries.

[Bottom Menu]

Bottom Menu of the main page Image
Link to the home page of “International Library of Childrenʼs Literature”
Link to “Site map” page
Link to “Key Map” page

The focus then returns to the “Top Menu.”

*“Bottom Menu” appears at the bottom of the page.
*Some of these buttons and links can be omitted due to the setting of or the type of browser you use. The focus may move to the other areas than the above-mentioned buttons and links, for example the URL bar of your browser. Due to the setting of or the type of browser you use, the focus may be hidden in the header or footer and not visible. If this occurs, try scrolling up or down the page.

II. Key assignments of each picture book

1) How to move the focus using the Tab key

The focus (highlight) shifts every time you press the Tab key, and from the top of the page to the bottom in the following order. Pressing the Enter or Return key while the focus is on a particular button or link means execution. The focus moves in the reverse order to the following when you press the Shift key and the Tab key at the same time.

[Top Menu]

Top Menu of the main page (Hide text) Image
Top Menu of the main page (Show text) Image
-Moves to the next image. (Unavailable on the last page)
-Returns to the previous image. (Unavailable on the first page)
-Replays a narration connected to the image currently displayed. (No narration with some pages)
-Enlarges the image currently displayed.
(Clicking, tapping, or pressing the Enter (or Return) key resets the enlarged image to the default size.)
“Show text”
-Shows the text of a narration. (This is the default setting.)
(This operation entails some changes in the screen layout, making it appropriate for increasing the text size and causing buttons such as “Play” and “Enlarge” in the header to disappear.)
“Hide text”
Hides the text of a narration.
“Breadcrumbs List”
-By selecting "Picture Book Gallery" you can shift to the main page of the “Picture Book Gallery,” thus returning from “The Picture Book as Stage” to the upper hierarchy.
-Selecting “The Picture Book as Stage” allows you to return to the main page, which includes the contents, of the same title.
Moves to the corresponding page of the Japanese version.

*Some items on the Top Menu cannot be fully displayed if you decrease the width of the window or increase the font size; and in which case they will display abbreviated.

[Picture Book Pages]

Image of Forcusing to “Play Narration button” or “Picture Book page image”
“Play narration of page X”
-Replays the narration connected to the image currently displayed. (No narration is attached to some images; and in which case this button will not appear.)
“Images of Each Picture Book page”
-Enlarges the image currently displayed.
(Clicking, tapping, or pressing the Enter (or Return) key resets the enlarged image to the default size.)
Image of Forcusing to the contents items
-On the last page of each book “Contents” will reappear, and from where you can move to the other picture books instead of returning to the main page.

[Bottom Menu]

Bottom Menu of the main page Image
Link to the home page of “International Library of Childrenʼs Literature”
Link to “Site map” page
Link to “Key Map” page

The focus then returns to the “Top Menu.”

*“Bottom Menu” appears at the bottom of the page.
*Some of these buttons and links can be omitted due to the setting of or the type of browser you use. The focus may move to the other areas than the above-mentioned buttons and links, for example the URL bar of your browser. Due to the setting of or the type of browser you use, the focus may be hidden in the header or footer and not visible. If this occurs, try scrolling up or down the page.

*Using the Tab key alongside the above, for example, scrolling or a keyboard shortcut, which will be mentioned below, can make the item focused upon by pressing the Tab activate, and instead of making the narration connected to the current image replay or enlarging the image; in that case, please complete the operation by moving the focus to your target by pressing the Tab key or directly clicking (tapping) the target item.


2) Moves between picture book pages (images)

The arrow keys can be used, as well as by selecting the buttons “Next” and “Prev.” in the above-mentioned top menu or by pressing the Tab key, to move to other pages.

[Key Operation]

“Up Arrow Key”
-Returns to the previous image. (Unavailable on the first page)
“Down Arrow Key”
-Moves to the next image. (Unavailable on the last page)

3) Enlargement of images of picture book pages

The M key can be used, as well as by selecting the button “Enlarge” in the above-mentioned Top Menu, to enlarge the picture book image currently displayed or reset to default size. Clicking (tapping) the image itself does the same operation. It is impossible to enlarge images on the first page.

[Key Operation]

“M key”
-Enlarges images or resets to the default size.

4) Showing/hiding the narration text

The T and R keys can be used, as well as by selecting the buttons “Show text” and “Hide text” in the above-mentioned Top Menu, to show or hide the text. The text displays as the default setting.

[Key Operation]

“T key”
-Showing the narration text. (This operation entails some changes in the screen layout, thus making it appropriate for increasing the text size and causing buttons such as “Play” and “Enlarge” in the Top Menu to disappear.)
“R key”
-Hiding the narration text. (Image resets to the default size and the text disappears.)

5) Replaying the narration

An audio controller will appear when you select and activate the narration replay button. (See the graphic below.) You can replay the narration connected to the current page by pressing the Space key even if the audio controller has not appeared. (The audio controller will appear once the narration starts.) It is impossible to use the right and left arrow keys if the controller has not appeared. Please note that the controller will automatically reset if you move to adjacent pages via use of the buttons “Next” and “Prev.” or the “up and down arrow keys.”

[Key Operation]

Audio Controller in picture book pages
“Space key”
“Right arrow key”
-Fast forwards in 10 second increments
“Left arrow key”
-Rewinds in 10 second increments.
Audio Controller in picture book pages in case of using IE

*If IE (Windowsʼ Internet Explorer) is being used as the browser then the time code does not show while the audio is being played.

6) Pages with only the front cover image and bibliographic information

Unlike how the pages for most picture books are structured, only the front cover image and bibliographic information are shown for the nine titles from Caldecott’s “The Mad Dog” to “The Complete Collection of Pictures & Songs,” as well the page for Crane’s “Triplets” (images of the pages inside these picture books are not shown). There are no audio contents and no “Show text” or “Hide text” buttons. You can enlarge the front cover images.

Image showing the buttons and links in the header of pages with only front cover images and bibliographic information

III. “move to index”

“move to index” button and “INDEX”

On the page with five poetry collections – “The Baby’s Opera,” “The Baby’s Bouquêt,” “Baby’s Own Aesop,” “Under The Window” and “Mother Goose”– there is a “move to index” button under each poetry collection’s image (if “show text” has been selected, the button will be below the text of the narration on screen). If you click on this button, you will be brought to the INDEX at the end of that picture book’s page (before the table of contents).

[How to use the “move to index” button]

There is a “move to index” button on the poetry collection page (in the case when “show text” has been selected).
Clicking (Tapping)
...click or tap the “move to index” button. You will be brought to the INDEX.
Key Operation 1
...Press the I key. You will be brought to the INDEX.
Key Operation 2
...Focus on “move to index” using the Tab key and press the Enter or Return key. You will be brought to the INDEX. However, due to the setting of or the type of browser you use, you may not be able to focus on this button.

[Choosing a title in the INDEX]

In the INDEX, poems are listed in alphabetical order . Choose the title of the poem you wish to view to go to that page.

Clicking (Tapping)
...Click or tap on the title. You will be taken to the screen for that poem.
Key Operation
...with the Tab key, focus on the title you want and press the Enter or Return key. You will be brought to the screen for that poem. However, Due to the setting of or the type of browser you use, you may not be able to focus on this button.

IV. Key assignments of Commentary

1) How to move the focus using the Tab key

The focus (highlight) shifts every time you press the Tab key, and from the top of the page to the bottom in the following order. Pressing the Enter or Return key while the focus is on a particular button or link means execution. The focus moves in the reverse order to the following when you press the Shift key and the Tab key at the same time.

[Top Menu]

Top Menu of Commentary page image
“Breadcrumbs List”
-By selecting "Picture Book Gallery" you can shift to the main page of the “Picture Book Gallery,” thus returning from “The Picture Book as Stage” to the upper hierarchy.
-Selecting “The Picture Book as Stage” allows you to return to the main page, which includes the contents, of the same title.
Moves to the corresponding page of the Japanese version.
“Chapter Menu”
-Links to each chapter.

[in each Chapter]

A Graphic that indicates the content structure of a chapter of the commentary page
“Beginning of chapter” » “to pagetop”
-First focus on the chapter title located at the beginning of each chapter, next on “to pagetop” located at the ending of the chapter. This cycle continues until the focus reaches the ending of the last chapter. You can move to the “first chapter” in the “chapters list” in the above-mentioned header by pressing Enter (or Return) key while focusing on “to pagetop.” Also, there are no audio contents on the commentary page.

[Bottom Menu]

Bottom Menu of Commentary pages
Link to the home page of “International Library of Childrenʼs Literature”
Link to “Site map” page
Link to “Key Map” page

The focus then returns to the “Top Menu.”

*“Bottom Menu” appears at the bottom of the page.
*Some of these buttons and links can be omitted due to the setting of or the type of browser you use. The focus may move to the other areas than the above-mentioned buttons and links, for example the URL bar of your browser. Due to the setting of or the type of browser you use, the focus may be hidden in the header or footer and not visible. If this occurs, try scrolling up or down the page.

*Using the Tab key alongside the above, for example, scrolling or a keyboard shortcut, which will be mentioned below, can make the item focused upon by pressing the Tab activate, and instead of making the narration connected to the current image replay or enlarging the image; in that case, please complete the operation by moving the focus to your target by pressing the Tab key or directly clicking (tapping) the target item.

2) Moving to the beginning of each chapter

The numeric keys can be used, as well as by selecting the above-mentioned buttons and links, to jump to the beginning of each chapter.

[Key Operation]

“1” key
-Shifts the focus to the beginning of the first chapter.
“2” key
-Shifts the focus to the beginning of the second chapter.
The same applies hereinafter.

V. Using Android

1) Picture book pages

The buttons and layout of picture book pages may slightly change when using some “Android” smartphones or tablets. There will be no “Enlarge,” “Show text,” and “Hide text” buttons, and the text of the narration always displays on the screen.

[Top Menu]

Top Mneu in case of using Android
-Moves to the next image. (Unavailable on the last page)
-Returns to the previous image. (Unavailable on the first page)
“Breadcrumbs List”
-By selecting "Picture Book Gallery" you can shift to the main page of the “Picture Book Gallery,” thus returning from “The Picture Book as Stage” to the upper hierarchy.
-Selecting “The Picture Book as Stage” allows you to return to the main page, which includes the contents, of the same title.
When the screen size is small as shown in the image above, an abbreviated page name may be shown.
Moves to the corresponding page of the Japanese version.

Swiping can be used to move to other pages.

*If any of those devices utilize a connected keyboard then the working conditions of the Tab key and keyboard shortcut etc. will follow the above-mentioned cases in I to III.


2) Enlargement of images

Tapping the image currently displayed to enlarge or reset to the default size. It is impossible to enlarge images on the first page. “Pinch out” and “Pinch in” can be used to enlarge and reduce the size of any image contained.

3) Showing or hiding narration text

The text always be shown in using “Android.”

4) Replaying audio content

An audio controller will appear when you tap the narration replay button. (See the graphic below.) You can stop it via tapping “Stop” button. Please note that the controller will automatically reset if you move to adjacent pages via use of the buttons “Next” and “Prev.” If you move to another page by swiping then the audio controller will not reset. But if you tap the “Play” button of any other audio content than the current one, the newly tapped audio will take precedence and the last one will be automatically reset.

Audio Controller in case of using Android

VI. Using iOS

1) Using iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads

Basically, the function and structure are the same as the above-mentioned PC-use cases in I to IV.