For visitors with small children

To visit the ILCL, please use public transport. If you use JR Ueno Station, the Park Gate is convenient.
There is no parking for general use. Please use the parking near the Ueno Park when you visit by car.

  • Parking facilities near Ueno Park
    - Ueno Park Parking No. 1
    - Ueno Park Parking No. 2 (for buses)

Baby seat for changing diapers

There are baby seats that can be used for changing diapers in the Common Room and the multi-purpose toilets on the first and third floor of the Brick Building.

Nursing space

There is a space that can be used when you need to breast-feed your baby in the Common Room. Hot water for bottled milk is also available.

Eating and Drinking space

Beverages and light meals (sandwiches, spaghetti, etc.) are available at the cafeteria on the first floor. There is no baby food.
When you bring your lunch, please use tables and chairs for lunch in the corridor and the Common Room in the first floor of the Brick Building or the outdoor terrace. Please be considerate of others when using the tables and chairs.

* Eating and drinking are prohibited in the library except in the designated areas. Thank you for your cooperation.


There are toilet seats for children in the restrooms on the first and third floor of the Brick Building and on the first and second floor of the Arch Building. In addition, washstands with two levels are provided.